Monday, April 21, 2008


The strong annual "Texas Masters" chess tournament was held this past weekend in the DCC (dallas chess club).

Personally this is the third year I play this tournament, and it holds very dear memories for me, but my results have been far from impressive!

Thanks to JG burger for sponsoring the event!

This year saw a mix of very strong players and young talents from the Dallas area. Many of the players have qualified for a spot in the upcoming WYCC (world youth chess championship) to be held later this year in Vietnam.

Darwin Yang is not even 12, but already a FM and 2200 player

Lithuanian FM Tautvydas Vedrickas was second seed of the tournament

Keaton Kiewra came in second after playing a spectacular game against FM Tautvydas

The top standings at the end of the tournament:

# Name Rating St Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Total Prize
1 GM Alejandro Ramirez 2593 TX W15 W11 W7 W3 D2 4.5 1500.00
2 FM Keaton Kiewra 2312 NE W9 D8 W20 W7 D1 4.0 750.00
3 FM Michael Langer 2299 TX W10 D6 W4 L1 W8 3.5 250.00
4 FM Darwin Yang 2160 TX W18 D12 L3 W20 W10 3.5 250.00
5 FM Andrew W Whatley 2317 TX H--- U--- W17 W16 W6 3.5

Thanks again to the DCC and JG for making this tournament possible. It was very unfortunate that it coincided with final exams for most of the UTD and UTB (university of texas at brownsville) team members, and did not see the amount of IMs that this tournament normally attracts.

All info for the tournament, more photos and full standings can be found at

Alejandro Ramirez

1 comment:

David said...

Vedrickas is trying to look like you. You + 60 lbs.